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“EXCUSE YOU!” is a collaboration with poet, Leigh Kotsilidis, It is an indignant yet playful neon sign. A timely calling out. A chastisement. A snarky apology on your behalf. A potential for provocation. A chance for absolution. EXCUSE YOU! is the figurative finger pointing at all of us, saying own and apologize for your shit because it’s about fucking time!
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Botella de Castigos
Botella de Castigos
“Botella de Castigos” is an artwork where thousands of bottles are presented spinning slowly on a display, creating a clock that counts 59 seconds per minute. The bottles come from popular and elite “brands” of water from all over the world, as well as AI generated bottles of brands that do not exist.
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Recurrent First Dream
Recurrent First Dream
“Recurrent First Dream” (Primero Sueño Recurrente) is a recursive algorithmic animation made with the collected works of Mexican poet Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. An ascending vortex of words routinely appears and scans the displays, slowly revealing the poet’s mangum opus “First Dream”, a pioneering feminist ode to knowledge and deductive reasoning, written in 1692.
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"Encode/Decode," a generative interactive typographical environment made from the critical essay of Jamaican-British cultural studies scholar Stuart Hall (1932-2014) in which he proposes an encoding/decoding model of communication.
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Recurrent Anaximander
Recurrent Anaximander
“Recurrent Anaximander” is a generative animation running on a custom-made 400,000 pixel circular display. The piece features a solar simulation made with Reaction Diffusion, Navier Stokes, Voronoi and Perlin Noise algorithms, running on top of a Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) image that is updated daily by NASA.
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Text Stream 4, 2018
“Double” (Text Stream 4) is a generative turbulent animation of the letters AGTC, representing DNA base pairs. At a given time, the piece shows the entire genetic code of the Haemophilus Influenzae bacterium, the first organism to have its genome sequenced, in 1995, with 1.8 million base pairs. Periodically, the display switches to show the artist’s own entire genetic code, featuring 3.2 billion base pairs.
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Recurrent Mallarmé
Recurrent Mallarmé
Text Stream 1, 2018
“Recurrent Mallarmé” (Text Stream 1) is a new algorithmic text spring made with the collected works of French poet Stéphane Mallarmé.“Recurrent Mallarmé” is a new algorithmic text spring made with the collected works of French poet Stéphane Mallarmé.
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